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Dd 1172-2 2020-2025 Form: What You Should Know

ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION. (Filing and approval by DDC) A. OVERSEAS APPLICATIONS: 8 FAM 921.1. DDC's Responsibility for Overseas Department The foreign country is the government of whose name or country the Dept. has diplomatic relations and the application must be made by personnel of the Department in a foreign country authorized by DoD to act as liaison with the foreign government for reasons of military security purposes.  8 FAM 921.2. Form DD Form 1171-O to Admin. Off. DoD. (Filing and approval by DDC) 1. The DD Form 1171-N should be used by a foreign official or other authorized representative of the Department to make the overseas application for a DD Form 2, Reserve, Retired or Reserve Retired, a DD Form 2 (Reserve, Retired or Reserve Retired) or to request the extension of the DD Form 2.  2. The DD Form 1171-N and the documentation accompanying it must be filed in the appropriate overseas office in the DoD overseas processing facility, not overseas in the overseas bureau. All evidence of the registration or application must be certified and signed. 8 FAM 921.3. DDC's Responsibilities The overseas official(s) making the overseas application must file and approve DD Forms 2 (Reserve, Retired, and Reserve Retired) or the extension of those DD Forms as provided in this section and on the overseas application form. No such overseas application is required if the original DD Form 2 has been filed in the appropriate overseas bureau. An original DD Form 2 with the appropriate documentation attached must be forwarded by the authorized official(s) by the last mail date received in advance of the date to be applied for. All evidence of the registration or application must be certified and signed.  8 FAM 921.4. DDC's Responsibilities: A. Issuing and Approving an Overseas Application A. (1) DDC issues the DD Form 2 in a foreign country if the Department has verified the military service record and its completeness. The military service certificates must be certified by the local embassy or consulate in the foreign country.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Dd 1172-2 2020-2025

Instructions and Help about Dd 1172-2 2020-2025

Hey guys, good evening. So, it is December 29th, and I know I just did an update video I think the other day, but I got something in the mail today that I wanted to share with you guys. It's some information about TRICARE. It's the TRICARE choices in the United States handbook. This handbook has a bunch of information in it about TRICARE and what it offers. It also provides information about dependents and what's offered for them, as well as what's offered for active-duty and National Guard members. It's actually a lot of really good information. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I did skim over it, and I got a good idea of what it's about. In addition to the handbook, there was also a paper that came with it which includes a list of different websites and contacts for doing your military ID and registering with peers. I also received my registration form for my military ID. So, I need to go on the website it sent me and schedule a time to go and get my military spouse ID done. The closest installation for me is in Columbia, which is about an hour away from here at Fort Jackson. I'm going to try to go online and schedule an appointment to do that. I'm hoping they'll have one available tomorrow, and if not, I'll try to go on Monday when I'm off. We'll see. Anyway, I also got my third letter today, and that was exciting. It was from my husband telling me how Christmas was because I got to talk to him on Christmas, but this was stuff that happened after I talked to him. He said they had a wonderful dinner. They had turkey, ham, sea ham, turkey roast beef, yams,...